If it's determined that an LUC Consulting Agreement is required, please Complete Exhibit A of the agreement (last page), have the consultant sign the agreement on the bottom of Page 5 (do not sign the agreement - that is for the Provost) and upload.
Managing Director will review documents, obtain appropriate signatures and follow-up with important engagement details. Important to note, all guest musicians, live models and guest artists visiting multiple classes will need to go through this process. If you know you want to engage a particular guest artist for a variety of services, this can be organized with one consulting agreement. After the contract has been signed, the Managing Director will follow up with you to confirm that you can engage the individual. Individuals should not begin their engagement without signed LUC agreements.
Link to LUC Consulting Services Agreement
Photographers and Videographers fall under another contract. Please email abrowni@luc.edu if you want to engage with an outside photographer or videographer.