What would it take to change the World?
Rotary International is the world’s first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, eradicate polio under the motto ‘Service Above Self.’
Since our founding in 1999, The Rotary Club of Morrisville has been dedicated to doing good in the world and our community. As Morrisville’s premier service organization with approximately 40 members, The Rotary Club of Morrisville is comprised of some of the area’s most prominentcommunity leaders – men and women with diverse backgrounds in business, professions, religions, civic and non-profit organizations. Our members actively strengthen the Morrisville community through our service, fellowship and by example. We gather at weekly meetings and other functions to fulfill our commitment to the Rotarian ideals of friendship, fellowship, and service to others. Committees/programs promote social and fellowship events such as our annual Wine Tasting to benefit local charities.There has never been a better time to be involved in Rotary—where member benefits, community service and networking opportunities await you. Other club service committees bring us, exceptional speakers, each week, focus on our membership, work with our club website and PR/communications.Thank you for taking time to learn about Morrisville Rotary. Below are some answers to FAQs about club membership.
What qualifies someone to join Rotary?
A prospective member must be in good standing inthe community and be a business owner, an executive, manage their own time, or be in amanagerial position to be eligible for membership.
How does an individual become a Rotarian?
To join, you must have a sponsor. Your sponsorwill invite you to a lunch meeting where you can meet other Rotarians and experience a Rotarymeeting.
Where does Rotary meet?
The Rotary Club of Morrisville meets each Tuesday at noon in the Prestonwood Country Club, Cary, N.C. Occasionally we will meet offsite at another location. Please check our meetings calendar athttp://morrisville.rotary-clubs.org/ and click on Calendar.
What are the current financial obligations of belonging to Morrisville Rotary?
(Rotary Fiscal Year: July 1—June 30)
Quarterly Dues (Mandatory)………………………………………………………$ 195
Total Yearly Mandatory Costs .…………..……………………………………..$ 780
Giving to The Rotary Foundation as a Sustaining member (optional) $25.00/QTR $ 100.00 Yearly
What do I receive for my dues?
You will receive a subscription to the Rotarian, Rotary International monthly journal, weekly meal at the Prestonwood Country Club, service to our community, and networking opportunities.
Are there minimum attendance requirements?
To remain in good standing, a 50% attendance record is expected. Meetings missed are easy to make up at other Clubs, world-wide. Attendance at regularly scheduled committee meetings, board meetings, new member orientations, Club social functions all count as a meeting. Additionally, you can make up a missed meeting by attending other Rotary Club meetings two weeks prior or two weeks after a missed meeting.
What is the New Membership process?
Your Sponsor will ask you to complete a prospectiveMember Application and return it. Upon receipt, you will be notified by email. The Application will be submitted to the Board for consideration. Upon approval, you will be notified immediately. As soon as scheduling allows, you will be introduced to the Club by your sponsor during a regular Tuesday Club lunch meeting. At this meeting, you will receive your Red name badge.
Is there a New Member Orientation?
The Rotary Club of Morrisville is committed to help new members find their place in the Rotary World, availing all aspects of service to better the world around us. Our Club’s New Member Orientation will follow a regular Rotary meeting with a New Member Packet filled with information about the Club.
Are prospective members ever turned down?
Prospective members can be turned down because the Membership Committee or the Board of the Club feels that he/she does not meet the qualification for membership.
Thank you for taking time to learn about the Rotary Club of Morrisville